Online coaching has become increasingly popular in recent years due to advancements in technology and the convenience it provides to both coaches and clients. It offers a flexible and accessible solution for individuals looking to improve their lives, reach their goals, and overcome personal challenges.
One of the major benefits of online coaching is the convenience it offers. Clients can participate in coaching sessions from the comfort of their own homes or wherever they have an internet connection, without the need to travel to a physical location. Additionally, online coaching allows clients to access a wider pool of coaches, regardless of geographical location.
Another advantage of online coaching is the use of technology, which enables real-time feedback and interaction. This can include virtual meetings, interactive tools, and multimedia content, such as video lessons and audio recordings. Online coaching programs can also be personalized to meet the specific needs and goals of each individual client, with assessments and lesson plans tailored to their unique circumstances.
Online coaching is a highly effective and efficient solution for individuals seeking to improve their lives. The key to a successful online coaching program is a combination of personalized assessments, interactive lesson plans, and ongoing support and resources. By leveraging the latest technology and best practices, online coaches can provide high-quality, engaging, and effective coaching experiences to their clients.
In conclusion, online coaching has proven to be a valuable resource for individuals looking to achieve their goals and improve their lives. With its convenience, flexibility, and technology-powered capabilities, it provides a powerful solution for anyone seeking the support and guidance of a coach. As technology continues to evolve, the future of online coaching is bright, and its potential is limitless.
Are you looking for an Online Coach ? Contact me today for a free consultation !
Orgonites are small, pyramid-shaped objects made from a mixture of metal shavings, resin, and crystals. They are believed to be devices that harness and balance the natural energy known as “orgone” in order to positively affect the surrounding environment.
Users and fans of Orgonites claim that they help to reduce electromagnetic radiation from electronic devices, improve air quality, enhance plant growth, and even have a positive impact on the mood and well-being of people nearby.
Each Orgonite I create is handmade and unique.
Some benefits of Orgonites include:
Reduces electromagnetic radiation from electronic devices
Improves air quality
Enhances plant growth
Positive impact on mood and well-being of people nearby
Balances and harmonizes energy in the surrounding environment
Helps to purify water
Promotes peaceful sleep
Can increase focus and concentration
Reduces stress and anxiety levels
Supports spiritual growth and meditation practices
The concept of orgonite was popularized by the American psychologist and inventor, Wilhelm Reich. In the 1940s and 1950s, Reich conducted experiments and published books on his theories about the existence of a universal life energy he called “orgone.” He claimed that orgone energy could be harnessed and balanced for health and healing purposes.
However, Reich’s work was controversial and faced criticism from the scientific community, who disputed the validity of his claims. The US Food and Drug Administration eventually banned his books and burned several tons of his materials, leading to Reich’s imprisonment (!).
After Reich’s death, the idea of orgonite was adopted by alternative health and spiritual communities, who developed the modern-day orgonite devices.
Custom handmade Orgonite 5x5x6cm
How to make Orgonites
Orgonites are made from a mixture of the following components:
Resin: acts as a binding agent to hold the other components together
Metal shavings: can be made from various types of metal such as copper, aluminum or stainless steel and serve as a conductor of orgone energy
Crystals: are believed to amplify and focus the orgone energy and can be made from various types such as quartz, amethyst or selenite
Other additions: some orgonite makers may include additional elements such as essential oils, herbs or other spiritual or energetic items such as symbols of sacred geometry.
The combination and proportion of these components may vary depending on the desired properties and intended use of the Orgonite device. The construction process involves layering and curing the resin and metal shavings to create a compact and solid object. The Orgonite may be shaped into various forms, but the most common is the pyramid shape.
I create custom Orgonites in the price range between 30€-250€+ shipping depending on size and material needed for the request.
If you are interested to buy an Orgonite or book a request for a custom made Orgonite please contact me at info@mikaeldabrowski
Shipping worldwide!
Thank you for reading please share and comment this post !
För dig som vill få en starkare och friskare kropp, förbättrad hälsa och ökad livsglädje!
Vad som ingår i Online Coachning:
Ditt kostschema anpassas efter just dig, dina mål och din aktivitetsnivå.
Träningsprogram skräddarsytt efter dina mål, dina tidigare träningserfarenheter och särskilda önskemål.
Nytt program varje månad anpassat efter din utveckling, feedback och mål.
Support med svar inom 24 timmar alla vardagar.
Avstämningar varje vecka, samt mer detaljerade uppföljningar varje månad med analys av din utveckling och feedback.
Ditt träningsprogram anpassas efter hur du vill träna. Det kan vara träning hemma, sportaktiviteter, på gym eller utomhus.
Med din personliga tränare följs din utveckling och du får rätt rådgivning och hjälp för att du ska nå dina mål.
Mikael har en bakgrund inom biomedicin, fysisk träning och jobbar som hälsoterapeut med idrottsskador, idrottsmassage, yoga, personlig träning, med mera. Han har även haft karriär och tävlat på elitnivå i inom kitesurfing, wakeboard och kampsport under flera år.
Mikael brinner för att coacha och hjälpa människor med sin fysiska, emotionella och mentala hälsa och öppnar nu återigen upp platser för online coachning!
För att kroppen ska fungera när vi utför fysiskt arbete så använder den sig utav förråd bestående av lagrad energi som kommer från maten vi äter där det främst är kolhydrater och fetter som utgör dessa energiförråd.
Energin kommer ursprungligen från soljus som växter använder i fotosyntesen för att bilda kolhydrater, protein eller fett . Därefter äter djuren växterna och energin förs på så vis vidare till oss människor.
Energin anges oftast i enheterna joule (J) eller kalori (cal) beroende på var man är i världen. De går att göra omvandlingen mellan enheterna där 1 cal motsvarar 4,186 J . En grundregel inom vetenskap är att energi är något som inte kan produceras eller förstöras, utan kan endast omvandlas från en form till en annan.
Adenosintrifosfat (ATP)
I människoroppen handlar energiomvandling i huvudsak om bildning av en molekyl värd att komma ihåg som heter ATP (Adenosintriphospate) som kan ses som kroppens alldeles egna valuta för energi.
När ATP hydrolyseras blir resultatet adenosindifosfat (ADP), oorganiskt fosfat (Pi) och energi. Denna energi utvinns då bindningarna mellan de tre fosfatmolekylerna i ATP är energiladdade och vid brytningen av en bindning frigörs användbar energi som kroppen använder för att tillexempel spänna en muskel .
ATP finns lagrat i en liten mängd i kroppen (ca 250g) då de är en stor tung molekyl och bör därför inte ses som en utmärkande energireserv. Till sin hjälp har ATP kreatinfosfat (PCr) som återförenar ADP med Pi till nytt ATP genom att överlämna sitt fosfat till ADP. Detta är anledningen till att kreatin är ett så populärt kosttillskott till folk inom gym o tyngdlyftnings världen.
Användningen av den lagrade mängden ATP sker av det omedelbara systemet i samband med akut träning.
De tre Energisystemen
Det finns olika tillvägagånssätt kroppen använder sig av för att framställa ATP, vilka beror på aktivitetens duration och intensitet . Man kan beskriva detta som följande utifrån att det ingår tre energisystem, det omedelbara,
det snabba och det långsamma energisystemet, i energiproduktionen.
Det omedelbara systemet använder sig av den lagrade mängden ATP för att omedelbart ge energi. Detta system är ger tillräckligt med energi till 5-8 sekunder av maximalt arbete.
Det snabba energisystemet använder sig främst av kolhydrater för energiproduktion via glykolysen som sker anaerobt i cellens cytoplasma. Glukosmolekylerna ger, via glykolysen, pyruvat, vätejoner (H+) och en liten mängd ATP.
Vid närvaro av syre (aerobt) dominerar det långsamma energisystemet som involverar mitokondrien och resulterar i en större mängd ATP i förhållande till glykolysen. Här avger pyruvatet från glykolysen två väten och omsätts till Acetyl-CoA för att gå vidare till citronsyracykeln och elektrontransportkedjan, två aeroba processer som genomförs i mitokondrien och resulterar i ATP och koldioxid (CO2). Förutom glukos används även fett, protein och alkohol till att bilda ATP vid närvaro av syre vidare för att genomgå samma processer som glukos gör i mitokondrien. Alltså omsätts dessa först till Acetyl-CoA för att gå vidare in i citronsyracykeln till elektrotransportkedjan.
Aerobt vs Anaerobt
Aeroba energisystemet som kräver att syre är närvarande för att fungera är dominerande vid lägre intensiteter av arbete eller träning där transporten av syre till musklerna inte är begränsad. När transporten av syre inte räcker till hinner kroppen inte att producera den mängd ATP som krävs för påfrestningen och det anaeroba systemet kommer automatiskt att aktiveras. Nämnvärt är dock att båda systemen oftast är igång och verkar i samklang.
För fettförbränning är därför det aeroba energisystemet mest användbart då de förbränner Acetyl-CoA som är en molekyl som lagras som fett i våra kroppar. Värt att nämna igen är att det inte bara fett man äter som blir denna molekyl utan protein , kolhydrater och alkohol omvandlas också till denna molekyl och allt i överskott som inte förbränns direkt i Citronsyracykeln och Elektrontransportkedjan omvandlas till Acetyl-CoA för att lagras in som fett
Tack för läsningen ! Har du frågor så vänligen kommentera eller kontakta mig så svarar jag så fort jag kan Vänliga hälsningar Mikael Biomedicin Fysisk träning
Athletes need to drink more water. Without water you may get stagnation in muscle growth, reduced fat loss and overall worse health.
Water is a solvent and helps the body transport nutrients easier, regulates temperature all the time, which keeps all systems in harmony in the body. If you are not drinking enough water, your muscles, nerves, brain, heart, lungs and kidneys can’t function properly.
All chemical reactions in the body, including energy production and utilization use water as an intermediator.
When your body is sufficiently supplied with water the hormones and enzymes can develop their highest potential and the result of this you can see directly during a workout.
Many people in our modern society are very often unaware that they are constantly walking around dehydrated. Fatigue and headaches are a very common result from this ongoing dehydration.
The average human loses at least 2,5 liter of water per day just from the body’s natural maintenance (for example breathing, sweat and excretion).
However an athlete has a significantly higher demand for water. Your increased metabolic activity let’s you excrete more liquid.
Most affected by this is the brain. Dehydration can lead to a critical shrinkage following that the ability to focus and think clearly gets thrown out of balance.
The central nervous system can not function effectively, the response between muscular reaction and coordination decreases. Water is required to supply the muscles with electrolytes, without electrolytes muscles can’t move and contract which later leads to muscle cramp and spasms.
Remember that even if water does not provide energy in the way our makro nutrients like carbohydrates, protein or fat do, BUT without water the body is not able to process nutrients in an effective way.
Time to get to the point – How much water should I drink?
I recommend to have the guideline of at least 3 liters a day. If you are exercising you will have an increased overall metabolic activity, so the need for water is always higher than average for an athlete.
If you want to find out exactly how much water you should drink I recommend you to visit a sports laboratory as it is always individual. A great guideline is to drink about 0.05l per kg body weight spread over the whole day. So for me that would be 77kg x 0.05 = 3,85 liter per day!
And keep this in mind: At warmer temperatures 26 °C +, we should drink 1-2 liters more to stay hydrated as the amount of liquid we lose from the heat increases dramatically!
“Average water loss per hour for a typical adult caused by sweating at various air temperatures during rest light and moderate physical activity” from the great book Exercise Physiology Mcardle Kath & Katch Eight edition
So there is water in cola zero yeah?
When I say water that is exactly what I mean pure water – not energy drink, “isotonic sports drink”, coca cola or zero light whatever. They contain many unnatural and harmful additives that your body has to unnecessary additionally deal with.
If you really need something extraordinary just go for unsweetened tea or some drops of lemon or other fruit in your water.
Make it a good habit already today to always carry fresh water with you wherever you go, and enjoy your new life staying hydrated and more healthy 🙂 !
Thank you for reading and I hope this article helped you to become aware of your water intake and how much water you should drink a day.
If you have any questions or want to discuss further please contact me 🙂 !
Tendon Attachment Therapy(TAT)-method is based on that muscle skeletal pain is 90% due to abnormal tension in the muscles and these pains can be reduced by pressing on attachments of these tense muscles.
To prevent a relapse of the muscle, a daily tailored stretching program with fundamental exercises of the weak muscle groups is the best combination for a functional pain free body.
The method is based on Alexander the great who lived around 300 years BC, then the method is believed to made it’s way to India, moving forward towards Asia where being practiced by Shaolin Monks in the years of 400-500 AD, to finally make it’s way back to Europe.
Today TAT technique is only participated by the leading doctors and therapist as it requires skill and knowledge about the human anatomy and physiology to implement the technique in a effective, safe and functional way.
With my knowledge in Biomedicine of the human body, treating the affected area with Low level light therapy (Biolight) (energy) regenerating and restoring the function on a cellular level, together with Tendon Attachment Therapy I get great results from my clients. Most often they are feeling better and more pain-free already after one or two sessions. In best cases the client ultimately forgets after a few sessions that she or he had pain or injury from the beginning.
But what I see as a therapist that is the most important of all regarding treatment of injuries or conditions: actually treating the problem at it’s very core instead of only trying to take away the symptoms is a great difference.
Treating the problem or the symptoms?
Most methods that are practiced today in clinics and hospitals is merely just treating the symptoms to produce short term relief of the problem, using Cortisone injections and pain-killers has become the new normal. Yes the client maybe gets a relief for a short period of time but as no action is taken to actually heal the very root of the problem the problem will come back soon and you are very you started.
Pain is simply information from our body that something is not in harmony and it is seeking care and attention by sending signals of pain to our nervous system. Instead of trying to remove these signals we can follow the information and so often go to the very root of the problem
I have frequent clients that inform me that they are ever grateful for my help as they have often for a longer period of time actively been seeking help from several doctors, physiotherapists and specialists without being offered any long-lasting help.
Chronical Muscle Tension
Chronical muscle tension leads to no or minimal flow of blood to the cartilage. This leads to the cartilage degenerating due to the lack of nutrients coming from the usually ongoing blood flow. As the cartilage is degenerating it is to be eaten up by white blood cells and this causes an inflammation.
Inflammation causes swelling and pain in the joint which causes more tension which causes more joint injuries, this “evil” circle is the condition that is called Artrose.
Chronical tense muscles becomes:
Less range of motion
Less powerful
Chronic tension can be restored in the muscles 3 ways:
Tendon Attachment Therapy
Rehabilitation Exercise
Tendon Attachment Therapy
The technique is scientifically based in that in every muscle there is Golgis Tendon Organ (GTO)
The main task of the GTO is to register and sense change of muscular tension . When it is stimulated by increased tension the muscle automatically relaxes as a result from neuralsignals from the nervoussystem in the spine fluid. This is also called “inverse strecth reflex” or “tendon reflex”
By pressing on the GTO by the tense muscle attachments we can produce a reflex inhibition ( relaxation ) of muscles that have been in tension for longer period of time sometimes even years. As the muscles relax blood with nutrients can start to flow again and the function of the muscle can be restored to its natural state.
Are you struggling with pain? Do you want to learn more ? Or maybe you are a therapist interested in learning the Tendon Attachment Therapy? Feel free to contact me today at
An important but not much mentioned condition among athletes is Overtraining syndrome (OTS). OTS is a condition that occurs when an athletes training load is high and the recovery is not efficient enough.
The result of this is an opposite effect with decreased performance instead of increased. Proper training and conditioning requires a very fine balance between overload and recovery for the body.
In all varieties of sports, it is meaningful for the athletes to train hard in order to improve their performance. After a work-out the performance usually decreases temporarily, and with the right amount of recovery leads to super compensation.
If a work out is done in the recovery phase overreaching can occur, on the other hand if it occurs during the super compensation period the body will improve to a higher fitness level.
Me myself have many times experienced OTS in my career as a professional kiteboarder where I would spend countless hours everyday on the water. To listen carefully to the body and stay a few days off training can give immense results in performance and save yourself from many injuries.
There is a very thin an athlete have to walk beteween training and recovery
To know about OTS and it’s presence in the body can be very helpful for all athletes, here are some of the symptoms of OTS ( and I am sure most of you have sometimes experienced them in your life) :
Feeling overall tired, drained, a lack of energy
Moodiness and irritability
Pain in muscles and joints
Sudden decrease in performance
Insomnia ( troubles falling asleep)
Decreased immunity (increased number of colds, and sore throats)
Loss of enthusiasm for the sport
Decreased appetite
Increased frequency of injuries.
An obsessive need to excercise
Overtraining syndrome is regularly divided into the following phases:
First phase: Acute fatigue, were the athlete recovers after one to three days. Performance decreases temporarily during this phase.
Second phase: Functional overreaching can last days up to weeks and during these coming periods the performance decreases.
Third phase: Non-functional overreaching can last weeks up to months and stagnation of performance occurs in addition to decreased performance
Fourth phase: OTS can last month’s up to years or even a lifetime.
Test yourselfif you are in risk of having Overtraining syndrome:
During periods of heavily overload, symptoms can be found that may show signs of overreaching.
These symptoms are usually found through a POMS (Profile Of Mood States) test which contains 65 statements that describes different kinds of feelings where the test person marks one of five choices as answer: Not at all, A little, Moderately, Quite a lot or Extremely.
The scores are further summarized and divided into six factors: Anger, Confusion, Depression, Fatigue, Tension and Vigor. Finally collected data is analysed compared with previous ones from the test person.
Rest! Your number one priority should be getting your body recovered so you can start training again, right now focus only on doing things that make you rest or calm down.
Reduce or completely stop your training for a few days and just focus on recovering.
Take long walks, listen to music you like, watch a movie, go to the beach.
Attend a restorative yoga class
Meditate or listen to a guided meditation.
Drink loads of water to stay hydrated
Eat a lot of healthy nutrients
Get a sports massage
Sleep as much as you can!
Research on overtraining syndrome shows that getting adequate rest should be the primary treatment plan. In addition, low levels of exercise, or active recovery during the rest period can speed up recovery.
Have you also experienced Overtraining syndrome? Please comment or share
This blog post is for you that wants to get more into surfing or for you who already surf to dive deeper in the anatomy and physiology of surfing.
Please remember now and forever that we are all in this together, we share the ocean together. No one owns the ocean or any beach or spot.
But respect the rules because surfing can get dangerous very fast and a drop in of someones wave can cause collision in the head which in some cases lead to deadly injuries or even death.
Surfing is a dynamic and explosive environmental sport where the surfer is using the energy of the waves the oceans produces to ride the waves .
With the right timing and amount of paddling the surfer is able to stand up and surf the waves using a surfboard. Surfing involves multiple tasks, hence requires some specific demands, including flexibility, strength, power and stability from the surfer.
How to surf
Surfing brakes down into three sequences, paddling, take-off and wave riding. Most of the time surfing is spent paddling, the actual wave riding is a very small time of the session and during the rest of the time the surfer can recover while in position waiting for waves.
The paddling part contains two types of work, long term paddling and the explosive short sprint paddling for the take-off. In surfing paddling is the number one skill for catching waves and be able to ride them.
Performing the paddle a surfer lies down with his stomach prone to his surfboard and swings the arms forward, diving the hands and pulling them through the water so it starts flowing beneath the board and so pulling the surfer in a forward direction. The movement is similar to the classical crawl swim, however with the upper body slightly extended to the board little like a banana shape
The take-off is a short explosive sequence where the surfer paddles as fast as possible to gain maximum speed to get positioned in the wave and then push up the upper body and jumps to a standing position on the board to get into the riding sequence. The take-off is a technical part where timing and the speed from the paddling combines.
Rider : John John Florence
In the riding sequence the surfer is standing on the board and while riding can perform various manoeuvres here are 5 common ones:
Pumping where the surfer is simply bending and extending the legs in a fast motion to gain speed in the wave, uses the anaerobic system and may produce a lot of lactic acid after a couple waves.
Bottom turn where the surfer is turning up back against the wave backside or front side to make a turn back down a full rotation from head to ankles through the whole body is done.
Cut back where the surfer makes a figure of eight by turning back in the middle of the wave.
Re-entry where the surfer makes a last turn before the wave breaks to avoid being taken away by the foam of the broken wave.
Aerials is when the surfer uses the wave as a ramp to get airtime and this requires strength and flexibility in knees and ankles to better absorb the impact from landings.
11x times WSL champion Kelly Slater
Paddle like the best
Paddling is very technical you want to get most out of each stroke while not fatiguing the muscles. There is endless of theories on paddling how to do it in the best way and if we look at Legend surfer and 11 times world champion Kelly slater how he is doing it there are 3 main things the champion does that are to keep in mind in comparison to other “non” pro surfers out there.
He is keeping his head still during the movement not doing unnecessary movements.
He is keeping his elbows high during the paddle.
He slightly roll to rest the arm by the rails of the board while the other arm is in the water.
Duck dive
Duck diving
Duck diving is also a specific skill the short board surfer must learn where you while paddling out before and oncoming wave grab the rails of the board, extends your arms, leans the upper body forward and dive the nose your board with a strong determined movement trough the oncoming wave to get through and out to the wave. A back foot or knee can be placed at the tail of the board to stabilize and help the diving.
This skill requires a lot of practice and it can be helpful watch other surfers or videos on how to make it. Believe me the day the days are big out there you want to be 100% certain on your duck dives. It will save you from a lot of stress and a lot time spent under water getting completely smashed. Also hold on to your board because it can be very dangerous if someone behind you get your board on them. A proper set of fiberglass fins can cut skin like butter
As a surfer you should be well known with the patterns of the sets of waves coming. Timing and positioning in the right spot at the right time in the wave is essential to catch a wave. This is mainly achieved by many hours spent watching and being in the ocean surfing and getting well known with the patterns of waves (sets)
The mental part is also important for surfers, passion and stokeness will keep you surfer in a good mood and meditation, yoga or mindfullness sessions are be beneficial for the focus of being in the present, and providing the flow which is the main key to have your most epic surf ever and not get irritated by angry surfers or beginners
A good night of sleep is of importance for maintaining the body’s hormone balance levels and immune system and the recovery process of muscle tissue. Meditation can influence sleep and the harmony between body and mind. I recommend to include 30 minutes of daily meditation in the morning evening.
Surfing can be a dangerous sport which can lead to several kinds of injuries. Dont go out in bigger waves than you can handle. Show respect to other surfers . If someone paddles for a wave dont even paddle for it !
Wait in the line up there will always come more waves. Keep a good vibe in the water, show respect and you will get respect.
Some people are just not aware of what surfing is and think they own the ocean, dont let these people ruin your surf or become like one of them. They are clearly not happy in their life and most often they are dangerous and unpredictable.
Elite athletes exercise every day, sometimes several times per day to stay in their best shape, it is as much a big part of their life as brushing the teeth or eating good nutrients to optimise health and fitness in their life.
Just as we can exercise and take care of our body to maintain it in the best shape we can also exercise our mind to keep it in the best shape. A pure mind is clear and sharp to handle any situation, it can be compared to a still lake that’s reflecting perfectly like a mirror.
A busy mind is all over the place and uses a lot of energy overthinking, it is not fully present and like rings on the water, it overlapses other thoughts and ideas and can’t really see so clearly what is.
Meditation can therefore be a tool in our daily life from the moment we wake up to the moment we go to sleep, our life quality enhances incredibly as we now ourselves choose to focus on what we want instead of just finding ourselves reacting to a situation or event.
Worth to remember is that there is people that meditate for 10 years and “still not get it”, just as there are people that never “meditated” in their life but are anyways living in a state of meditation.
It is simply being present in the moment, ever Observing, What am I doing? Why am I doing it ? How can I do it “better”? How am I feeling?
Overthinking is one of the biggest issues in todays modern society, we worry so much about the future and think so much about the past how it could have “went better” that we completely forget how to live Here and Now which is actually the only and only moment that really matters to us.
Here is a VERY good short and simple explanation from a Buddhist monk friend about Meditation and it’s adaptation to daily life:
Just as the elite athlete excercises every day we can meditate every day to make sure our mind is in shape and remain and stay in this state of presence during the whole day. We will become better in controlling our thoughts and emotions, we will be able to perform tasks better at work, we will suddenly experience “we have more time”, we focus more on what we actually love and want in our precious time here on earth and as a result we will feel that we have a greater quality of life.
Remember that this Life is your Story and your movie and Dream of your life where You play the leading part of the star. No one can take responsibility for your actions but yourselves. In a world where you can be ANYTHING you want at least to be kind ! 😉
Here is 10 Science based benefits of Meditation:
Reduces Stress
Lessens worrying anxiety and impulsivity
Promotes Emotional Health
Enhances Self-Awarness , Self -esteem and Self -acceptance
In this post i will explain how my Life was like and how it is like now since i came in touch with Light medicine.
I have always been a very athletic person and i work out several times a week since i was 11, so i have always been with a strong physical body. From Martial Arts i have been very used to have a lot of pain from fighting and my first severe injury was my left shoulder popping out, in the end it was so bad that i would do a kick and the counter force from the kick would would dislocate my shoulder. I was very lucky to get a successfull surgery 2008 at a Specialist sports clinic in Sweden .
Since i started doing extremesports specifically Kiteboarding i have had a lot serious injuries as a result of a sport with a high Velocity x high Force. (Just the fact that you can Easily jump 15 meters+ up in the air with a Kite explains what im talking about )
My knees from thousands of heavy landings so bad that i would have a constant 7/10 pain whatever i do, even if i sit down on a chair. My both shoulders would keep dislocating every know and then but i also kind of just accepted it. The daily rehabilitation i did for my body helped me to not get worse but the pain was still always there.
When i studied Cellbiology very deep during my Biomedicine studies i also came across a book about alternative methods Doctors and clinics have been using all over the world. The book just directly opened on a page where it explained that a Swedish Engineer 1993 already developed a method of very specific Healing Light that they have tested on elite athletes that got injuries and they could recover up to 2x as fast as a injury would normally be estimated. So they could suddenly be back in competition already before they would usually do rehabilitation
On the cellular level it was obvious to me this Light did something . The mitochondria is producing around 90% of our cells energy and by activating its Light receptors the cell will stimulate Energy – ATP (Adenosin Tri Phospate) production.
Well anyways i got my hands on a Biolight 2 weeks later just to try it myself. I started with doing my knees and shoulders every day. The pain was still there for a period of 3 weeks and one day i realised that it was completely gone. It felt like my body was 16 again and not 26 .
Today my right knee can still get inflammated if i overuse it but then i just do one Biolight program in the evening and next morning its gone again.
In the end of January 2018 I had my elbow Completely dislocated from a accident that happened in Bjorli, Northern Norway. We were kiteboarding and the conditions became extreme with a complete witheout in just 5 minutes. The weather can be very unpredictable in the top of mountains. The wind got so strong that when i fell my elbow just blew out from the force.
I remember i had to take me to my friends with one arm as my left elbow was just literally hanging . I felt dizzy from the pain . Bjørge my Norwegian friend gave me his jacket and left me there on the mountain top waiting for a snowmobile to arrive. I remember that the Skipatrol driving the Snowmobile could barely come down to the mountain from the wind.
5 hours later from an long ambulance drive to Lillehammer ( By the way my 3rd Ambulance in 2 years) 5 people tried to pull back my Elbow when i was still awake. The pain level was so high that i did not even scream
After some failed attempts they put me to sleep. Luckily my nerves was not damaged and i did not have any fracture. Th elbow was so big like my calfs on my legs and i had like 20% of ROM (Range of Motion).
The doctors and Ortopeds told me that i can just forget the whole season and i will maybe be able to kite again in May if i take my rehabilitation seriously.
Bruised up
Thanks God i had my Biolight with me in Norway and i started to work intensivly with it Drainage 1, Follow up and Acute programs in order up to 3 times per day. After 2 weeks the swelling was completely gone and i started kiting carefully already in beginning of March. Normally the elbow is swolllen for up to 2 months so my Doctor and Phystioterapist was completely chocked when they saw how fast my healing was going.
So in April instead of starting with Rehabilitation i had gained my full ROM back in my elbow and i was doing push ups and excercising like before.
Everything always happens for a reason 🙂 Except all the people i already helped I personally got to experience this amazing Light medicine all the way from Acute Injury to Fully Healed.
We should have a open mind to alternative methods because our “Western Medicine” is barely 100 years old while there has been Medicine and methods people have been using for thousands of years ot there… Available to one that dares to look outside the Box .